How China’s Aging Population may affect economic prosperity and development
In China, as a consequence of the decline in births since the 1970s, the majority of people are today around the forty-year-old age range. In developing countries, the age bulge is generally in the under-25 age group.
In a video, The Economist looks at what are the consequences of early ageing of the population in terms of its level of urbanization (which has just passed the 50% mark) and development. It is predicted that in 15 years, one third of the nation will be retired, and that 1.5 workers will support 1 retiree, a major additional burden with a risk of economic slowdown leading to a consequent reduction in China’s pace of development.
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Learning from China: India’s Urbanization Needs Better Institutional Tools: 19.075984, 72.877656
Accommodating the Dead in Cities, a Spatial Challenge?: 39.907438, 116.235718
Plans for new Daxing Airport in Beijing Revealed: 39.512120, 116.411133
When Geographers take over Wukan: 22.924667, 115.712907
The Puzzle of Land Reform in Shenzhen: 22.543099, 114.057868
Demolition: An Architectural Life-Cycle: 41.738641, 123.457317
Destruction: The Violence Goes On: 23.304757, 113.263584
The Invention of Tradition in Hangzhou, 1911-1927: 30.275674, 120.150486
Immobile Strikes for more Mobility: 39.905909, 116.391349
Skating and the City: 31.225344, 121.488892
Jinhua Architecture Park became a Wasteland: 29.108404, 119.692483
Beijing Besieged by Waste: Photographer Wang Jiuliang Investigates: 39.905909, 116.391349
Western Cities in China: Pretty Landscapes, Urban Experiments, or Both?: 31.341563, 121.575489
Densifying Rural Territories: New Territorial Planning Tools: 30.572269, 104.066541
Ford Rewards Two Chinese Apps on Urban Mobility: 29.558571, 106.549282
A Digital Library in Beijing’s Subway: 39.983557, 116.310239
Art in Beijing’s Subway: 39.905909, 116.391349
Tibet : 30% Urban Residents in 2020: 29.646923, 91.117212
Unprecedented Lawsuit and New Legal Amendments in the Fight Against Pollution: 32.520763, 119.924011
Shanghai Graffiti in Memory of Buildings marked for Demolition: 31.234745, 121.440296
Vertical Cemeteries Economize Space in Hong Kong: 22.297624, 114.248285
The Heritage of Japanese Comfort Houses in Shanghai: 31.268537, 121.498833
Guangzhou: New Initiative to Recycle Plastic: 23.116700, 113.250000
Cultural Infrastructure in China: A New Strategy in Urban Marketing : 39.600238, 109.778781
Sex and the City of Dongguan: 23.051413, 113.741798
Old Shangri-La Ravaged by Fire: 27.830682, 99.700584
Resurgence of Interest in Beijing’s Old Hutong: 39.893550, 116.386328
Guangdong acquires Carbon Market : 23.116700, 113.250000
Hong Kong: Miniature Sculptures for Social Housing: 22.281906, 114.157884
Persistent Shortage of Social Housing in Hong Kong: 22.277279, 114.194641
Brownfield in Beijing: From Decaying Steel to Electro Dance Party: 39.914476, 116.154671
Re-Purposed Bomb Shelters offer New Housing Options : 39.905909, 116.391349
New Anti-pollution Plan for Beijing: 39.905909, 116.391349
Subway passengers in Beijing now able to pay fares by recycling: 39.905909, 116.391349
Beijing’s ‘scrap communities’ threatened by urban sprawl: 40.054791, 116.376580
Infographics: Beijing expands transportation networks : 40.013857, 116.283760
Gulangyu competes for recognition as World Heritage site: 24.444704, 118.065948
Social networks influence Taipei elections: 25.037520, 121.562760
Portfolio: Hong Kong’s sky-high slums : 22.306996, 114.228973
Taiyuan’s underground trash bins receive public approval : 37.870590, 112.548879
Rebuilding and restoration in Xi’an’s ancient Han capital of Chang’an: 34.296532, 108.896386
New Threats to the Drum and Bell Towers and surrounding Historical Area: 39.939461, 116.389825
Yuening completes construction of 30-story building in 15 days: 29.364433, 113.115921
Creating land from sea: 39.013155, 118.563080
New heritage renovation and restoration measures announced in Beijing: 39.905909, 116.391349
Chongqing’s Invisibles: A Photographic Series: 29.554255, 106.569003
New rural internet network initiated in Guangxi Province: 22.969297, 107.120220
Zhang Kechun’s Yellow River : 35.644686, 100.222778
Korea’s New Songdo Digital City : 37.383912, 126.643855
Shenzhen bans Electric Bicycles : 22.543099, 114.057868
City planning from China to Angola: -9.000000, 13.266667
Collaborative mapping may provide critical support to victims of natural disasters: 14.638599, 121.058350
Mongolian Yurt in Beijing protests the city’s high rents: 39.905909, 116.391349
Hong Kong art collective CYRCLE storms skyscrapers: 22.283485, 114.224768
Harbin Sound Map: 45.765667, 126.616058
Yan’an to relocate residents of traditional troglodyte dwellings : 36.608197, 109.482880
Cultural Heritage Day: Shanghai opens more than 100 historical sites to visitors: 31.216228, 121.449094
New measures to curb car congestion: 39.905909, 116.391349
Proposal to transform Beijing into a Seaport: 39.905909, 116.391349
Chinese Urbanization overlooks religion: 28.656400, 115.877257
Beijing: A Seventh Ring Road to Enhance Integration with Hebei: 39.905909, 116.391349
Cell Phone Pedestrian Lanes planned for Chongqing : 29.611233, 106.599720
Chengdu: A new technology hub of China’s South-west: 30.676555, 104.061278
Fare hike debated for Beijing’s Public transport: 39.905909, 116.391349
Dalian building World’s largest off-shore airport: 38.964628, 121.535568
China’s first metro museum opens in Shanghai: 31.171879, 121.361718
China’s stalled baby boom: 39.905909, 116.391349
Shanghai to Digitalize City by 2016: 31.225344, 121.488892
Large-scale Strikes Spread in Southern China: 23.024917, 113.114617
A social study of Beijing’s underground homes : 39.905909, 116.391349
Arranging residential interstices in Beijing: 39.905909, 116.391349
Chuzhou announces plans for Singaporean-designed industrial park : 32.244036, 118.327560
French bridge gets second life in Shunde : 22.796297, 113.288612
Qinhuai River redevelopment process begins in Yangzhou: 32.393667, 119.436665
When architecture becomes literature: 30.245512, 120.155797
Participatory budgeting to revitalize Chengdu’s rural areas: 30.676555, 104.061278
Rural to urban training programs offered to aspiring urbanites in Ordos: 39.582501, 109.753199
Air corridors in Beijing to blow away the smog : 39.905909, 116.391349
Qingdao a hotspot for domestic tourism in China: 36.089504, 120.349719
Large-scale Redevelopment of Shanghai’s main road Pudong Avenue : 31.243567, 121.527414
Hong Kong’s religious institutions enter real estate market: 22.276039, 114.158764
Reappropriation of Nanjing railway line perseveres : 31.988379, 118.817139
Urban exodus for Chinese artists: 29.954231, 117.909019
A photographic approach to Chinese urbanization: 37.333682, -121.890022
New Study on the impact of urban design on obesity: 31.223984, 121.418682
Unlocking the power of a child’s imagination to improve urban planning practices: 28.657291, 77.227260
Prominent firms collaborate on star-shaped terminal for New Beijing airport: 39.512120, 116.411133
“Urban acupuncture” in rural China: 28.354175, 121.139897
Guardian auction house in Beijing welcomes a new museum: 39.922540, 116.403902
“Heteroscapes”: Artist Wang Bo’s urban landscapes in transition : 29.558571, 106.549282
How Japan’s aging population may have something to teach China: 35.684072, 139.768066
Hong Kong residents urged to provide opinions on built environment : 22.330976, 114.191463
Bicycles now offer a new form of urban identity : 39.947023, 116.408880
Yangtze River driving urbanization in Central China: 30.596021, 114.299280
World Bank invests in road construction and management in rural China: 37.694637, 100.525741
Water Diversion Project: the controversial completion of China’s new canal: 32.660900, 111.647010
Refrigeration plant in Xiamen transformed into repurposed art center: 24.440703, 118.083415
Ai Weiwei’s reveals Beijing portrait : 39.905909, 116.391349
The Architecture of Sound: 39.903368, 116.383624
“Pingshan” project continues in Lanzhou despite bans: 36.061255, 103.831860
Ordos: failure or temporary standstill?: 39.582501, 109.753199
Ecole de Chaillot: publication of Wang Shu’s inaugural lecture: 30.159848, 120.076361
“Pingfeng Style”: a parody on recoverded farmland: 33.628156, 114.642334
Artistic short film explores urban planning in Beijing: 39.905909, 116.391349
Singaporean city pilots new French digital technology : 1.352083, 103.819836
Digital archives of China’s cultural heritage: 39.905909, 116.391349
Temple in Shichahai converted into cinema for the blind: 39.935979, 116.390018
Exhibition and conference explores Beijing’s hutong and courtyard homes: 39.905170, 116.335897
A new generation of optimistic and ambitious migrants: 31.225344, 121.488892
Beijing’s historical axis seeks recognition in world heritage list: 39.905909, 116.391349
Vanke on a cloud: 29.642690, 106.515850
Intellectual property: the SOHO empire strikes back: 29.607318, 106.568327
The modern flaneur’s guide to Shanghai: 31.225344, 121.488892
Cities of light: the Yangtze river delta from space: 31.225344, 121.488892
Sinking cities: 38.304477, 116.838835
Chengdu struggles with severe traffic congestion: 30.676555, 104.061278
Historic heart of Liaocheng to be demolished: 36.443981, 115.964470
“Virtual Shanghai”: database sheds new light on city’s historic development: 31.225344, 121.488892
Density and poverty meet Hong Kong’s “rabbit hutches” : 22.279328, 114.162813
Chongqing’s urban fenzy: plans to develop Chaotianmen Harbor: 29.569591, 106.584227
Beijing in six acts: 39.905909, 116.391349
Wang Shu presents work at Harvard’s Kenzo Tange lecture series: 30.159848, 120.076361
Beijing’s further promotes green roofs: 39.905909, 116.391349
“From grey to green”: Shenyang transitions to sustainable green city: 41.802362, 123.427963
Rural utopia in Beijing’s Mentougou District: 39.955172, 116.093473
Living in Beijing: a suburban topography: 39.909233, 116.653948
Residential mobility in Shanghai: 31.239136, 121.399441
Apec: preemptive anto-pollution measures in Beijing: 40.386480, 116.671230
China’s new development strategies in Africa: -26.088003, 28.144452
Beijing airport: the art of landing amid the smog: 40.079857, 116.603112
China’s eco-cities and their challenges: 39.123760, 117.735330
Hong Kong’s rooftop farming: 22.396428, 114.109497
Better compensation for expropriated farmers : 22.975590, 115.346914
Protests in Ningbo suggest a possible rise in environmental awareness: 29.872034, 121.550138
Guangzhou’s Little Africa: Xiatangxi Neighborhood: 23.142201, 113.271095
Beijing blue roofs: 39.937355, 116.414545
“Ink City” by Chen Shaoxiong: 23.116700, 113.250000
Location Scouting for Antoine Boutet’s new film “South to North”: 32.660900, 111.647010
A new cast of pivotal Urban Actors: 39.983348, 116.488037
798: Arts in the City: 39.983348, 116.488037
The Visual Space of the 798: 39.983348, 116.488037
Shanghai Corniche Park: 31.182970, 121.459522
Why stay in town?: 39.980129, 116.471386
Urban changes in Xinjiang : “Sinisation” of the urban space : 43.821713, 87.562752
Real estate giant Wanda invests in Grand Paris metropolis: 48.970000, 2.463100
Municipal government decides to take on Beijing’s wastewater issues: 39.905909, 116.391349
Jing-jin-ji project celebrates its two year anniversary: 39.909233, 116.653948
Learning from a collaborative renovation of a dazayuan in Beijing: 39.928563, 116.413600
Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai linked by a giant maritime infrastructure: 22.291320, 113.931141
Portfolios: Chinese cities in their fullness and their emptiness: 39.582501, 109.753199
Taipei’s residents involved in urban regeneration: 25.037520, 121.562760
A study reveals four types of “extreme mobility” in Beijing: 39.905909, 116.391349
Moving Beijing’s townhall to Tongzhou: new stakes at the metropolitan scale: 39.909233, 116.653948
A Hongkongese architecture firm promotes social dialogue in the Chinese countryside: 22.279328, 114.162813
Beijing: The forgotten temple of Baitasi neighbourhood: 39.923640, 116.357290
A Chinese sovereign fund invests in Grand Paris: 48.856610, 2.351499
Hangzhou: Kengo Kuma completes a new museum: 30.159848, 120.076361
Exhibition of early photographs of Beijing (1870-1890): 39.905909, 116.391349
A student in architecture completes a mosque in Shaanxi Province: 34.303085, 108.487008
Beijing: state of the art: 39.940442, 116.411991
Can the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Cluster become the “Dragon Head” of the North?: 39.909233, 116.653948
Offbeat practices in China’s Public Space: 22.279328, 114.162813
China, kingdom of bike-sharing service: 30.275674, 120.150486
Portfolio: Shanghai, Dust Never Sleeps: 31.225344, 121.488892
Will Chinese Apps Redefine The Future of Bike-Sharing in France?: 48.856610, 2.351499
Mad Architects’ Proposal for Montparnasse Tower: a ’Mirage’ in Paris: 48.842110, 2.321980
The Urban Fabric of Xiamen Revealed by Atelier Sóo-Tsāi: 24.457200, 118.074500
Promoting ‘Less Is More’: Beijing’s New Urban Master Plan: 39.905909, 116.391349
Long-term planning is what Hong Kong needs to confront its land shortage: 22.279328, 114.162813
A Brief History of Beijing’s Former Princely Mansions (and their Latest Challenges): 39.934360, 116.380430
How the Greater Bay Area Initiative is Reshaping South China’s Urban Development: 22.279328, 114.162813
Urban renewal of offices in Beijing: an answer to high space demand and rising prices?: 39.905909, 116.391349
In Beijing Old City, An Alternative Revitalisation Strategy Conserves Vernacular Heritage Yet Invites Gentrification: 39.893550, 116.386328
Hong Kong In Video-Games: Mafia Culture and Urban Fabric As A Source Of Inspiration: 22.279328, 114.162813
The “Taobao villages” phenomenon: how e-commerce (also) redefines rural areas in China: 35.065973, 115.599174
Is Gentrification Inevitable in Urban Village Renewal Projects? The case of Vanke’ Wancun Project in Shenzhen: 22.661502, 114.053729
‘The Port and the Image’ – The Port of Ningbo: Fiction and Reality: 29.872034, 121.550138
Japanese Architect Arata Isozaki Receives 2019 Pritzker Prize: 30.267185, 120.082583
Authenticity, Tourism, and Residents: the Dilemma of Heritage Conservation in China: 36.443981, 115.964470
‘The Port and the Image’ – Excavations of a Shipwreck: 24.903565, 118.586082
Lighting up Hong Kong: between independence and integration, a power grid in the Pearl River Delta: 22.279328, 114.162813
How China’s Chequebook Diplomacy is Reshaping Urbanisation in Cambodia: 10.622817, 103.522110
‘The Port and the Image’ - A Nanjing Just Like Nanjing: 31.988379, 118.817139
Hong Kong Bets on Transitional Housing to Solve the Accommodation Shortage: 22.279328, 114.162813
“Forest” by Yan Wang Preston: Grafting Old Trees to Young Cities: 25.716559, 100.255051
Vietnam: Green Cities or Greenwashing?: 10.773400, 106.707200
Indonesia: How do Deal with Overload Cities ?: -6.175210, 106.827080
Reframing Chinese Villages: 30.004949, 117.983483
The Port and the Image’ - The diffuse radiation of Guangzhou’s trade history: 23.116700, 113.250000
In Shenyang and Chengdu, the Strange Aesthetic of “Flat-Pack” City: 41.795900, 123.438800
The Port and the Image’ - Xu Hao: When Objects Become Language: 31.225344, 121.488892
Oil-for-Development: The Shifting Dynamics of Sino-Angolan Relations: -8.808065, 13.232689
“Champêtre Entertainment” by Zhang Xiaowu: Contemporary Rural Lives in Wenzhou: 27.778645, 120.650826
“Hangzhou House” by Li Qing: Globalization is an Idea: 30.275674, 120.150486
Photographic Reflections of/on Urbanity: The Creative Resilience of Java’s Slums: -7.801140, 110.365391